psi Data handling and analysis + maths component

Check list part 1








Quantitative and qualitative data

The distinction between qualitative and quantitative data collection techniques.

Find the definition to the following. Create a dictionary for this aspect


Definition list



Primary and secondary data, including meta-analysis



Presentation 1


Descriptive statistics: measures of central tendency

calculation of mean, median and mode





measures of dispersion

Range and standard deviation. calculation of range






calculation of percentages






positive, negative and zero correlations


Test on all aspects covered to this point.



Presentation and display of quantitative data:

Graphs, tables, scattergrams, bar charts, histograms.






Distributions: normal and skewed distributions; characteristics of normal and skewed distributions.


Test which Graph?



Analysis and interpretation of correlation, including correlation coefficients



Test on the interpretation of correlation



Levels of measurement: nominal, ordinal and interval



Test define



Content analysis and coding. Thematic analysis


Do exercise on content analysis.

Content Analysis

Thematic analysis Inferential testing RJS .
Students should demonstrate knowledge and understanding of inferential testing and be familiar with the use of inferential tests. Presentation
• Introduction to statistical testing; the sign test.
• Probability and significance: use of statistical tables and critical values in interpretation of significance; Type I and Type II errors.
• Factors affecting the choice of statistical test, including level of measurement and experimental design. When to use the following tests: Spearman’s rho, Pearson’s r, Wilcoxon, Mann-Whitney, related t-test, unrelated t-test and Chi-Squared test.

Lots of Past questions on Stats