Link to what you should know

Offender profiling:


the top-down approach, including organised and disorganised types of offender

Presntation 1

the bottom-up approach, including investigative Psychology; geographical profiling.



Biological explanations of offending behaviour:


Presentation 2



an historical approach (atavistic form);






and neural explanations.


Psychological explanations of offending behaviour:

Presentation 3


Eysenck’s theory of the criminal personality;



cognitive explanations; level of moral reasoning and cognitive distortions, including hostile attribution bias and minimalisation; differential association theory;

Presentation 4

Presentation 5


psychodynamic explanations.


Dealing with offending behaviour:


Presntation 6


the aims of custodial sentencing



the psychological effects of custodial sentencing.






Behaviour modification in custody.



Anger management



restorative justice programmes.