04 Outline the procedures and findings of Zimbardo`s research into conformity to social roles. [4 marks]

Possible Answer

Content:  Procedure: details of the sample, the basic set-up, how participants were recruited, processes used to deindividuate/establish roles, etc.  Findings: increased passivity of the `prisoners` in the face of increased brutality of the `guards`; study abandoned after 5 days; pathological reactions of the prisoners, etc.


05 Briefly discuss two criticisms of Zimbardo`s research into conformity to social roles. [4 marks]

Possible criticisms and discussion:

 Ethical issues: lack of informed consent, whether or not the consent gained was sufficiently informed; deception; lack of protection from psychological harm – whether or not the distress should have been anticipated

 Zimbardo playing a ‘dual-role’. Zimbardo’s own behaviour affected the way in which events unfolded, thus the validity of the findings could be questioned

 Methodological issues: sample bias; demand characteristics/lack of internal validity; lack of ecological validity/mundane realism and their implications for the findings

 Accept positive points if justified: led to reform of real prisons; valuable insight into human nature, etc.

 Note that a discussion of two ethical issues/criticisms could gain full marks.